Authentisches und natürliches Hochzeitsvideo in Berlin - lasst uns gemeinsam Eure Geschichte erzählen!
Weit ab von gekünstelten Posen, liebe ich es die echten und natürlichen Momente einzufangen. Von Euren Persönlichkeiten inspiriert, von Euren Abenteuern und Eurer Hochzeit ergriffen, erzähle ich Eure Geschichte! Mit mir bekommt Ihr ein emotionaneles und authentisches Hochzeitsfilm.

You don't marry the person you can live with
you marry the person you can't live without.
Link to my Wedding Videos website: https://www.amour-harmony-wedding.com/
I create authentic, natural and emotional wedding videos.
As a storyteller I would like to tell the story of your wedding. Instead of asking you to do weird posing I love capturing real moments as they actually happen. I love to get inspired by your personalities and from your wedding to tell your unique story. Because every story, every couple and every wedding is so unique and different. With me you get a wedding reportage with emotional films.
As I said, I don't like complicated poses. I prefer authenticity, to create films and pictures that reflect you as a couple. I capture your day as an observer, to get the moments you will look at when you will be old with grey hair and remember the emotions of this special day. Lots of couples I have shot have become friends through the exciting wedding planning time and this is the best way for me to work: as a friend and wedding videographer / photographer and not only as a service provider.